Meet the Makers – Tom Ashlee

For today’s meet the maker, we meet Tom Ashlee. Tom is a Kent based Graphic designer and Illustrator working across a variety of platforms and mediums, from package design to lyric videos. Seamlessly moving from bold and striking logo design work within the music industry to calming, detailed pattern work for local brands, Tom’s love of album artwork consistently inspires his working approach. With sleek finishes Tom’s attention to detail instantly makes an impact, as complex compositions meet to present retro themes among an ordered creativity.

Can you tell us a little bit about where you grew up and how that may have influenced your work?

From a young age I had always been interested in music and owning the CD of a new favourite song or album. I believe this is where my initial love for design and also music came together. I began creating doodle-esque drawings which I later developed into stronger pattern compositions and I continue to develop this style, whilst also experimenting in other areas of design.

Do you have a favourite artist or designer that has inspired your work?

In school I found out about multidisciplinary designer Kate Moross, who also primarily worked in combining design and music. Their work always inspired me, not just from the work they create but also their continuous drive and forward thinking within the industry.

Your work focuses on pattern design but can be varied in style. Do you have a preferred medium to work in or enjoy experimenting with a variety of different mediums and styles?

I would say I enjoy a good balance of working with pen and paper but also taking things into digital media, working with drawing apps such as Procreate and also Photoshop. In terms of my style, I have always loved quite abstract art and design, admiring the work of artists such as Kandinsky and more contemporary artists like Gareth Pugh. I enjoy developing my style, playing with shapes and patterns in all different ways.

When you start a project do you tend to start with sketches or work digitally?

If I am working with pen on paper I tend to sketch out a rough idea of a composition I like and then go over with pen to create the finished product. If I am working digitally I tend to start with a rough concept of what I want to do and experiment with the composition until it feels right.

As a part of our Stationery Week campaign we are offering a generous 50% discount on selected makers and their designs for one day only! Today we are offering 50% Off Tom Ashlee personalised stationery using code: TOM50ASHLEE


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