Dried Rose Garden Bouquet by Bookblock FloristsCorporate Gifts| Bookblock

Dried Rose Garden Bouquet

By Bookblock Florists

Product Details

This delicate blush bouquet of dried flowers is the perfect addition to any home. A mix of dried white and gold Gypsophila house delicate Pink Spray Rose buds and dainty additions of dried Linum. Carefully placed stems of white Lagurus add elegant and soft finishing touches to this graceful creation.

A beautifully handmade bouquet made to keep for years to come.

Approx 22cm tall and 14cm wide

Please note that because these are natural products, some varieties may not be available. If any of the ones shown on the photo aren’t available, these will be replaced at our discretion with a different kind, some colours/shades may vary.

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Delivery & Returns
Everything bought at Bookblock arrives in beautiful gift packaging, whether you choose one gift or five. Simply add a gift and you'll be able to choose from a family of gift box artwork, with your box automatically growing with each product added.

All products are either made by us or sourced and carefully selected by our team. These include both local and international brands, big and small, to give you confidence in your gift giving.
If ordered by 12pm, parcels are despatched on a next day delivery as standard with Royal Mail as our primary carrier, with other couriers for heavier items.

If you would like to choose a dedicated delivery day, or would like your gift to be delivered by a certain date, please select this option at checkout. See our Terms and Conditions for Returns information.


All of our dried flower arrangements are assembled by hand by Bookblock florists, just before adorning your gift box. Tied together with twine, these dried bouquets won’t wilt and can be kept for years to come, perfect for marking a special occasion.

As someone obsessed with pink, I honestly couldn’t pick a better bouquet myself.


Additional Info

Everything bought at Bookblock arrives in beautiful gift packaging, whether you choose one gift or five. Simply add a gift and you'll be able to choose from a family of gift box artwork, with your box automatically growing with each product added.

All products are either made by us or sourced and carefully selected by our team. These include both local and international brands, big and small, to give you confidence in your gift giving.

Delivery & Returns

If ordered by 12pm, parcels are despatched on a next day delivery as standard with Royal Mail as our primary carrier, with other couriers for heavier items.

If you would like to choose a dedicated delivery day, or would like your gift to be delivered by a certain date, please select this option at checkout. See our Terms and Conditions for Returns information.