Lucie Wearable LED Clip
Helping you stay visible and keep safe, the Lucie clips to your bag or clothing during your outdoor activities such as cycling, running or walking. It comes on with a simple press, lighting up to 150m. It features four light settings, water resistance and 12 hours battery life. Choose from five colours and send as part of a tech gift to clients or staff.
Lead Time:
MOQ: 150 units
Size: 1.2 x 0.5 x 1.8”
Select Colour:
Laser Engraving

Laser Engraving
Your logo is laser etched/engraved onto the surface of the product. This makes the design appear in the base colour of the metal (usually silver).
Silkscreen (1 Colour)

Silkscreen (1 Colour)
A simple branding method used to add Pantone logos, text and single or two colour designs to almost any material type.
Silkscreen (2 Colours)

Silkscreen (2 Colours)
A simple branding method used to add Pantone logos, text and single or two colour designs to almost any material type.
Price Per unit:
Total Price:
Excluding Shipping:
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